[ Chord Input ] Dialog Box

  [ Chord Input] dialog box is used for entering a chord progression by yourself.  
Usage of [Chord Input] Dialog Box
[Chord Input] dialog box is displayed when you select [Custom] from the [Chord Generation] combo box in the [Chord Progression] dialog box. Followings are the buttons you will use in this dialog box.

(1) [ Specify Area ] scroll bar Allows you to scroll the table so that you can see the whole progression.
(2) [ Chord Progression ] table Displays bar number, beat number and chord name.
(3) [ LOAD ] button Allows you to load a chord progression that you have created and saved as a file.
(4) [ SAVE ] button Allows you to save the created chord progression in a file.
(5) [ RESET ] button Allows you to reset the created chord progression.
(6) [ EDIT ] button Allows you to change the chord name of the selected area.
(7) [ DEL ] button Deletes bar and beat in the selected area. 
(8) xxxxxxxx
(9) xxxxxxxx
(10) xxxxxxxx
(11) xxxxxxxx
(12) xxxxxxxx
(13) [ OK ] button Closes [ Chord Input] dialog box.