Overview of parameters


This page gives overview of ACS’s parameters.

Algorithm of Lagrange
[Style] -> [Melody] -> [Algorithm] -> [Directional]
Melody notes are generated with directional method.
Melody tracks are also created based on chord progression. In this process, the contents of the Harmony track and the Rhythm track are not referred to. 
Each theme is processed at a time.
The Automated Composing System uses some algorithms to produce melody line.

First, a line is determined for the theme using Lagrange polynomial. It is easy to understand if you imagine a music score and drawing a line on it. For example, if [theme-A] contains 4 measures, a line of 4 measure length will be drawn on the score. This can be done using Lagrange polynomial and random numbers.
Next, the rhythm of the melody line is determined. For example, a combination of 2 eighth notes and 3 quarter notes fills a measure.
Assigning the rhythm into the Lagrange polynomial makes a melody line. However, this melody line is only temporary.
The temporary melody line includes notes that are not on the music scale. Notes that are not on the music scale and dissonant notes to the chord will be adjusted using another database. Dissonant notes can be changed into consonant notes if they are shifted a half note above or shifted a half note down.
This process is repeated if there is more than one melody track. The Sub-Drum track is also created using this routine internally.