Overview of parameters


This page gives overview of ACS’s parameters.

Obbligato Algorithm
[Style] -> [Harmony] ->[Obbligato] -> [Range]
Obbligato might be considered as sub melody. The way of generating obbligato is very similar to  the way of generating main melody.
The following values can be selected as obbligato range.
Same as Melody Creates obbligato by using the same method and algorithm as you have specified for the melody. This value does not mean the notes of obbligato are copied from principal melody. This value means only the method and algorithm are the same as those of principal melody.
Custom Opens [ Melody Structure ] dialog box in order to specify the method for creating obbligato.
This selection enables defining method algorithm as the same way of melody.
Obbligato Note Range
[Style] -> [Harmony] ->[Obbligato] -> [Range]
[Note Range] options are displayed when you click on the button of [Note Range] combo box in the [Harmony Pattern] dialog box , [Sub Melody Pattern] dialog box[Bass Pattern] dialog box , and [Sub Drum Pattern] dialog box. You can set the note range that will be used in obbligato, harmony, bass and sub drum.
The following values can be selected as note range.
Normal Sets obbligato or harmony, etc. to the same range as the principal melody.
Octave Lower Sets obbligato or harmony, etc. to the range that is 1 octave lower than the principal melody.
Two Octave Lower Sets obbligato or harmony, etc. to the range that is 2 octaves lower than the principal melody.
Octave Upper Sets obbligato or harmony, etc. to the range that is 1 octave higher than the principal melody.