Tutorial - How to select saving folder for auto-composed files
  This page is a tutorial of specific usage of ACS.  
Open [Custom Setting] dialog box
First step is to click on the [Setting] button in the main interface of ACS.
Then you will see the [Custom Setting] dialog box on the screen.
Open [Folder] dialog box
Next step is to click on the [Folder] button in the [Custom Setting] dialog box.
Then you will see the [Folder Selection] dialog box on the screen. If you want to select a saving folder, you will need to click on the [Output Folder] button as shown in the picture below.
This time, you will see the [Browse for Folder] dialog box on the screen.
Select saving folder
If the [Browse for Folder] dialog box is being displayed, you will select a saving folder as shown in the picture below. Suppose you have created a new folder and named it [Output] in advance. 
Check saving folder
Once you have executed auto composing, let us see and check if the auto-composed MIDI file is being saved in the [Output] folder or not. To be continued from the previous tutorials, "Rock" is being selected as a music style. Click on the [Compose] button in the [Compose Mode] window as shown below.
When auto composing has completed, ACS will start playing the created music file. As indicated by the yellow line in the picture below, the name of the created MIDI file will be displayed in the [Compose Mode] window. The file name will be in sequence number that is starts with "MYMIDI" . It is clear that "MYMIDI02.MID" is the name of the file that is created this time.
Let us check if "MYMIDI02.MID " is saved in the [Output] folder as you have specified in the [Browse for Folder] dialog box.
You will see "MYMIDI02.MID" in the [Output] folder as shown above.