How to Specify [Message] Column

  Followings are the messages that you can them for adding, deleting, copying, converting, replacing and checking.  
Specifying [Message] Column


LoopSysExStart Adds System Exclusive for looping to the specified location.
LoopSysExStop Adds System Exclusive for looping to the specified location.
GMSystemOn Adds System Exclusive of GM System On.
MasterVolume=XXX Adds System Exclusive of MasterVolume. The value you specified in XXX will be set as MasterVolume.
Before taking this action, we recommend that you delete preset MasterVolume by using "Del".
PitchBend=XXX Adds Pitch Bend to the specified location. The value you specified in XXX will be set as Pitch Bend. (Since specified value is an internal value, normally set to "0".)
ControlChange=XXX=YYY Adds Control Change to the specified location. The number for Control Change will be entered to XXX. The value you wish to set will be entered in YYY. "55" is the only value you can enter at XXX.
BankSelectMSB=XXX Adds BankSelect to the specified location. The value you wish to set will be entered in XXX. For example, if you enter "BankSelectMSB=124", "124" will be the set value.
ProgramChange=XXX Adds ProgramChange to the specified location. The value you wish to set will be entered in XXX. For example, if you enter "ProgramChange=124", "124" will be the set value.
Tempo=XXX Adds Tempo to the specified location. The value you specified in XXX will be set as Tempo.


Chanel=XXX Copies the channel specified in [Location] column to the channel you have entered in XXX. 
Note that the value you enter in XXX indicates where you wish the channel to be copied to.
Tempo Copies the first tempo of each track to the specified location.
BankSelectMSB Copies the first Bank Select of each track to the specified location.



SysExF7 Deletes System Exclusive of F7.
SysExF0 Deletes System Exclusive of F0, except for Master Volume.
MasterVolume Deletes the settings of Master Volume.
VoiceMode Deletes the settings of Voice Mode.
KeySignature Deletes the settings of Key Signature.
TimeSign Deletes Time Sign at the specified location. Specify the location at the [Location] column.
Text Deletes text.
ControlChange=XXX Number you specified at XXX will delete Control Change. "55" is the only number you can specify at XXX.
ChanelVolume Deletes Volume (MSB) of the channel you specified. When  you wish to delete the Volume of all channels, enter "-" at the [Channel] column.
BankSelectMSB Deletes Bank Change of the channel you specified. When you wish to delete the Bank Change of all channels, enter "-" at the [Channel] column.
BankSelectLSB Deletes Bank Change of the channel you specified. When you wish to delete the Bank Change of all channels, enter "-" at the [Channel] column.
ProgramChange Deletes Program Change of the channel you specified. When you wish to delete the Program Change of all channels, enter "-" at the [Channel] column.
SequenceName Deletes Sequence Name and track name. 
Copyright Deletes Copyright display. 
TimeSign Deletes time sign.
ExpressionMSB Deletes Expression of the channel you specified. When you wish to delete all Expression, enter "-" at the [Channel] column.
ExpressionLSB Deletes Expression of the channel you specified. When you wish to delete all Expression, enter "-" at the [Channel] column.
RPNMSB Deletes Registered Parameter Number of the channel you specified. When you wish to delete all Registered Parameter Number, enter "-" at the [Channel] column.
RPNLSB Deletes Registered Parameter Number of the channel you specified. When you wish to delete all Registered Parameter Number, enter "-" at the [Channel] column.
DataEntryMSB Deletes Data Entry of the channel you specified. When you wish to delete all Data Entry, enter "-" at the [Channel] column.
DataEntryLSB Deletes Data Entry of the channel you specified. When you wish to delete all Data Entry, enter "-" at the [Channel] column.
Pan Deletes Pan of the channel you specified. When you wish to delete all Pan, enter "-" at the [Channel] column.
Track Deletes Track of the channel you specified. The Track you wish to delete can be specified at the [Location] column by the channel number or the track's title.
Note Deletes following notes specified at the [Location] column including all channels. Also, adjusts the Gate Time for the following note specified at the [Location] column.
Note=XXX Deletes the Note number you enter at XXX. In this case, you cannot specify the location.


SequenceName Converts the text in Sequence Name and track name. Describe how you convert the text at the [Location] column.
SequenceName=XXX Converts the text in Sequence Name and track name into the text you specified at XXX. [Location] column is not available.
Note=YXX Shifts the note as many as you specified in YXX. For example, if you specify "Note=+12", it will shift the note one octave up. At the moment, you can only shift the note by octave.
Velocity=XXX Sets Velocity to the value you specified at XXX.
GateTime=XXX Sets Gate Time to the value you specified at XXX.


If you wish to specify a certain process in this operation, you will have to enter the original text in the [Location] column and enter the text you wish to be replaced in the [Message] column.

Text Replaces MIDI message you specified at the [Location] column with Text.
Text=XXX Replaces MIDI message and content you specified at the [Location] column with Text. The content of the Text will be XXX.
Marker Replaces MIDI message you specified with Marker.
Marker=XXX Replaces MIDI message and content you specified at the [Location] with Marker. The content of the Marker will be XXX.
CuePoint Replaces MIDI message you specified at the [Location] column with Cue Point.
CuePoint=XXX Replaces MIDI message and content you specified at the [Location] column with Cue Point. The content of the Cue Point will be XXX.
LoopSysExStart Replaces MIDI message you specified at the [Location] column with System Exclusive for looping.
LoopSysExStop Replaces MIDI message you specified at the [Location] column with System Exclusive for looping.
Note Replaces MIDI message you specified at the [Location] colomn with Note. When you wish to replace PitchBend with Note, enter PitchBent at the [Location] column.



Voice Splits when channel exceeds the specified limit for number of voices.
Velocity Splits channel by the specified velocity.
GateTime Splits channel by the specified Gate Time.
NoteNumber Splits channel by the specified Note.



Marker=XXX Checks if there is Marker called XXX or not.
LoopSysExStop Checks if there is System Exclusive for looping or not.
LoopSysExStart Checks if there is System Exclusive for looping or not.



GateTime<XXX Adjusts and shortens the Gate Time when it exceeds the value you specified at XXX..