Classical Music Room

    I examine how to create Classical Music here. I embedded a Classical Music Composing function into the Automated Composing System. I mention how I developed these functions on this page. 
    Classical music uses chords differently than popular music. It does not allocate a chord to each major (or each half major) like popular music. At least, the chord symbols are not displayed in the music scores. However, Classical music uses chords, of course. I think that Classical music allocates one chord to each melody note. Following these ideas, the Automated Composing System has a function called "voicing," and it puts a chord under a melody note. 
    Classical music has more restrictions than popular music, and it is very picky about dissonance. So, this idea is also included in the Automated Composing System. I also think that Classical music puts stress on down beat rather than up beat. 



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