Future Music Room

    I introduce Strange music, imaginary music, and experimental music in this section. Some information is from classical music. Why future? I do not know, sorry...

Kepler's Planet Theater
The Kepler's imaginary world is reproduced with JAVA and MIDI.
Mandelbrot Theater
Mandelbrot picture is drawn with music. It needs fast CPU .
Cats Symphony Orchestra
Cats sing with random pitch.

Fantastic Music Instrument


Mandelbrot Music
    Mandelbrot is the name of French shcolar who used the word "fractal."Fractal is a word that is used to describe characteristics of figures. When a part of Fractal figure is magnified, it appears as the similer figure of original one. Wnen that part of figure is magnified, it also resembles original figure. Although Mandelbrot figure seems very complex, Mandelbrot set was defined by a simple equation.
Zn+1 = Zn*Zn+a (Z0 = 0)
Z and 'a' are complex numbers, and the set of 'a' where |Z(n)| does not diverge infinity is called"Mandelbrot set"
    Mr. Yo. Kubota developed a software tool that generates music tunes from mandelbrot set. His web site provides the tool and source code.
    I made a page that displays a mandlbrot figure with mandelbrot music.I modified free source codes that is provided at web site, "Fractal for Java Applet."
Mandelbrot Theater



Mozart Dice Game


Links to Experimental Music Site
T's Garbage Factory
The site provides a freeware that reproduces Kepler's imaginary world.
The Sound of Mathematics
This site also has Pi music as well as other music from Mathematics. Information is in English.
Strange Music Archives
This site introduces Mandelbrot Music. Iteration values of Mandelbrot Set are changed to music by a composition rule.
Earth boys
You can listen to strange music with real audio.
Pi is music
The author of this page allocated music notes to the numbers of pi, 3.14... Unfortunately, information is in Japanese. Go to the site and click numbers with red color, you will listen to strange music!
Fractal Tune Smithy home page 
There is information about fractal tune.

Do you have a strange idea of music?
Please, e-mail me!