Music Sites
Automated Composing Sites
Ethnic Music Sites
Algorithmic Composition Sites
Academic Sites
Nishimura-Kotani Lab of Tokyo A & T University has six research groups. One group is studying musical information processing. (Most information is in Japanese.)
Suzuki Lab.
The home page of Suzuki laboratory of Teikyo university provides some information about Automatic Musical Composisition and MIDI files. Most information is in Japanese.
Mr. Masataka Goto's
Home Page
Mr. Masataka Goto is a a PhD candidate of Waseda University. His research interests include music understanding (especially, rhythm-understanding), interactive media systems, parallel processing, real-time signal processing, sound source separation, computer graphics, and distributed cooperative systems.
Dr. Bruce Jacob's
Home Page
Dr. Bruce Jacob's research interests include Algorithmic Composition and he shows some of his work on his home-page.
Professor David Cope's
Home Page
SARA (Simple Analytic Recombinant Algorithm) is an Automated Composing System that composes Classical Music.
Computer Music Journal
Computer Music Journal is published quarterly by the MIT press.  It may include articles about algorithmic composition.
Personal Sites
Strange Music Archives
There is a freeware program that composes Mandelbrot Music. There is some information about Renaissance Music and other music also. They are a little strange but wonderful.
Barbara Glebska & Petras Saduikis'
Home Page
The Generative Gallery includes information about Generative Music and Art.
The pages of John Chuang
The pages of John Chuang has "Mozart's Musical Dice Game." During his life, Mozart wrote the measures and instructions for a musical composition dice
game. This game can be thought as the oldest automated composing system. You can play "Mozart's Musical Dice Game" in John Chuang site.
Compose with Musical Dice Game
An implementation of "Mozart's Musical Dice Game."
Algorithmic composition in the style of Mozart. An implementation of "Mozart's Musical Dice Game." The program runs on Mac.
The Sound of Mathematics
The site has GM MIDI files of algorithmic music determined by mathematics and the musical preferences of a human.
Laurie Spiegel's Retiary * Ramblings 
There is a software called Music Mouse that enables algorithmic composition.
You can compose your own midi song - online at the site.
Oblivion generates random music and saves as a midi file.
There is an algorithmic composition software which runs on Windows 95.
Random Phase Music Generator
There is a software called The Random Phase Music Generator. It runs on Linux.
There is a software called FractMus 2000.
Quasi Fractal Music 
There is a software called QuasiFractal Composer.
Pirkle's   Music Composition Studio There is an algorithmic composition software.
This site is one of Fractal and Generative Music web-ring sites. 
Commercial Sites
SSEYO is a commercial site. The SSEYO Koan Pro is their product.
SoundTrek is a commercial site. The JAMMER is their product.
Cycling '74
Cycling '74 is a commercial site. M and Max are their product.
Orchaos is the product.


CAMPS is their product.
Microsoft Corporation
Music Producer is their product. This product is included in "Visual InterDev."
If you know a site that is related to automated composing, please e-mail me!