The Steps of Compose Mode

  The Automated Composing System composes a tune with five steps.  

The Steps of Compose Mode

(1) Creating an Outline
(2) Creating a Chord Progression
(3) Creating a Harmony track and Rhythm track
(4) Creating Melody tracks
(5) Coordination of tracks

(3) and (4) are reversible in order.

Creating the Outline
Most music tunes have patterned structure. For example, a rock tune has an introduction, several themes (phrases of about two to four measures(bars)), and an ending.
As the first step, the outline of the tune is created using random numbers. In Automated Composing System, the parts of outline is referred as pattern. Pattern is a chord repetition pattern. A pattern can be considered as a theme. The length of pattern is determined by pattern length.
The Automated Composing System does not have an introduction part. Therefore, the number of themes(patterns) and how many times they are repeated have to be determined from random numbers. The last theme(patterns) and the ending always have the same structure. 

For example, outline is like [theme-A] [theme-A] [theme-B] [theme-B] [theme-B] [last-theme] [ending]. The shortest outline is  [theme-A] [last-theme] [ending].
Creating the Chord Progression
In this step, the chord progression of the tune and length of each measure(bar) will be determined using the outline. 
This process is done by using random numbers and a knowledge-base. The knowledge-base includes my way of composing a lot. There are some other methods that do not use knowledge-base.
In the Automated Composing System, chord progression is a set of chord blocks. Every chord block has length and chord name. Chord name determines what notes are included in the chord block. If you want to see information about chords of the Automated Composing System, click here
The first chord of the tune must be CM7, Am7, C7. If the major key is selected, the first chord is CM7, if the minor key is selected, the first chord is Am7, and if the tune is Blues, the first chord is C7. Chords after the first chord are determined from the prior chord and a database. The different chords are selected depending on the setting of chord progression (Complexity of Chord progression ) such as "complex" and "simple."
For the last theme (verse), a different database is used because it needs resolution. The ending chord is always the same chord as the first chord. To know about this, you might see the operation of constructing knowledge base. Click here.
The length of each chord block is determined using random numbers, and they will be from one to eight times of quarter note length.
For example, [CM7 of whole note length] [Em7 of whole note length] [Am7 of half note length] [G7 of half note length] are assigned to [theme-A].
If the Enable Transpose is selected, some part of chord progression is transposed. First, two location of where transpose begins and where transpose ends are selected. Next, interval of transpose will be selected from random number. At  last, chords of selected area will be transposed with selected interval.
Creating the Harmony track and the Rhythm track
In this step, the harmony and the rhythm tracks are created using the determined chord progression. 
The generation process of the Harmony track is very complicated since each music style has a different pattern. Although a typical pattern is prepared to use, rhythm and notes are modified to avoid a monotonous sound. For example, the Harmony track includes tension notes if it is for jazz music. 
The Rhythm track is very patterned. Although, it uses simple patterns, it may contain fill-ins occasionally.
User does not have control over fill-ins although they might be rare.
Creating Melody Tracks
Melody tracks are also created based on chord progression. In this process, the contents of the Harmony track and the Rhythm track are not referred to.
This process is also done by using random values. However, this time, random values are not used directly.
Each theme is processed at a time.
The Automated Composing System uses some algorithms to produce melody line.
Coordination of tracks
Finally, dissonant, such as minor 2nd and major 2nd, between melody tracks and harmony tracks are deleted. For some music style, such as Jazz, that allows dissonant, this process may not be necessary.